To establish a pedigree Suffolk sheep flock had been a long term dream of Michaels, and in 1988 with the purchase of 5 shearling ewes from the late Pat Murphy he had seen his dream become a reality.
Further dreams were realised when he was awarded his first rosette by John Donoghue in 1991. This became one of many rosettes, with the fact that he had champions at the entire Wexford Agri Shows testament to this. Rosettes were not limited to Agri Shows however, and Michael was delighted to receive prizes at the National Championships on numerous occasions and at the Society’s Premier Show and sale in Roscrea Mart.
Michael’s proudest day was when a long term goal was achieved by winning the County Wexford Sheep breeders Premier Show & Sale in 1996. He repeated this achievement a further four times with his most recent Champion in 2021.
Away from the show grounds and sales rings of Ireland, Michael was able to give back to the organisation and the breed that he loved so much, spending eight years on the South of Ireland Suffolk Sheep Committee. Closer to home Michael spent 19 years as honorary secretary of Co. Wexford Sheep breeders Club a role that returned many happy memories for him.
However all of the afore mentioned achievements and successes pale in comparison to what keeping Suffolk pedigree sheep really achieved for Michael, lifelong friends. These friends are not only limited to his own county but are throughout the four corners of Ireland and are what Michael believes to be the greatest reward from his decision in 1988.
Michael wishes to sincerely thank the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society for nominating him for the Hall of Fame wards 2022. He would like to wish them every success as they go from strength to strength.