The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society is once again holding their Annual Premier Show & Sale at Roscrea Mart on Saturday 5th August 2023 and are delighted to present over 60 Males and 40 females for sale on the day, these include Suffolks from all four provinces offering an excellent mix of blood lines.
The aim of Irish Suffolk Sheep Society is to breed Suffolks that are immensely profitable for farmers, especially commercial farmers. Being mindful that there are 36,163 flocks of sheep including 2.7 million breeding ewes over 12 months-of-age spread across the 26 counties it is important that these flocks are catered for.
The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society focus on profitable traits that ultimately puts money in farmers’ pockets. Suffolks have many desirable traits which include, they are the number one terminal sire in Ireland; they have superior growth rate; they have outstanding fleshing ability which is so important to the commercial breeder; their long carcass means they give excellent cuts with extra meat. They reach slaughter weight faster than other breeds. Suffolk ewes have a high milk output and they are an excellent cross on other maternal breeds as well as fast finishers; a trait that is all so important to the commercial breeder in a world where the cost of inputs has soared. A large amount of the Suffolk market is held by non-registered breeders and this is where we, the Irish Suffolk Breeders, have identified an opening as we produce Suffolk ewes and rams that the market wants and needs, with less head and bone and more emphasis on carcass traits. We are working diligently and very successfully to continue to raise the profile of the Suffolk sheep at local, regional and national level.
A high number of sheep on offer at our sale, on 5th August, are Sheep Ireland Recorded and genotyped. Every purchaser will be assured of the breeding of their purchase as each animal offered for sale on the day carries its own Zootechnical Certificate produced from Sheep Ireland database; this is also a requirement laid down by the Department of Agriculture Food & the Marine.
Saturday, 5th August is the date, Roscrea Mart is the place to be, to secure your fully Registered Purebred Suffolk, male or female; where we, The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society are once again holding our Premier Show and Sale. Judging at 10.00am. A large number of SIS eligible rams both shearlings and ram lambs will be on offer.
We are honored to have John Brooks as our Judge. John established the Racepark Flock in1989 and is a highly respected Suffolk and Texel Breeder as well as sitting on the board of Sheep Ireland. Sale commences at 1.30pm and we are delighted as always to welcome George Candler back as our Auctioneer. Roscrea Mart has hosted very successful Suffolk sales for over 20 years and is a very popular venue for both buyer and seller with most helpful staff under the watchful eye of Manger Michael Harty. Both ringside and on line bidding are available on the day.
Vouchers towards the purchase of either Suffolk males or females are available to repeat and new purchasers on the day of the sale.
For further details please contact The Secretary, Anne Mitchell, 086 242 8554 or annemitchellcross@gmail.com. Registrar Ursula Rooney 087 983 1933 or irishsuffolksheep@gmail.com