The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society held their fourth Premier Show & Sale at Roscrea Mart on Saturday 6th August. This year bidding was steady and strong throughout the whole sale with the last ten ram lambs into the ring snapped up. Based on its three previous years success sheep were presented in their natural state to the delight of the buyers resulting in an overall clearance of over 70%, again and with 95% of the sheep sold going to commercial buyers this speaks for itself. At the end of the sale, where demand for the ram lambs in the second ballot was every bit as strong as earlier in the sale, there were still prospective buyers in the ringside; on line bidding was very brisk as well. The introduction, by the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society, of all sheep on offer naturally fed has attracted repeat customers back to our sale for multiple purchases. This year buyers from 20 of the 26 counties went home with a purchase from the sale. For the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society this is the endorsement that proves there is a hugh demand for this type of product.
The Supreme Champion of the Show, Female Champion and first prize winner in the Open Ram Lamb class was a Female Hogget, from the Oranmore Flock of Mark Grealy Galway; she later realised €1,000.00gns in the ring.
Reserve Champion of the Show, Male Champion and first prize winner in the Open Ram Lamb Class, first in the Pairs, went to Patrick Lynch of the Monadarragh Flock in Longford. Patrick sold this January born Lamb to a commercial farmer from Co. Offaly for €900.00. Patrick enjoyed more success by breeding the Reserve Male Champion and first prize winner in the pairs with his January born ram lamb.
The sale opened with the first ewe lamb into the ring realising €500.00gns from the Columbkille flock of Richard Moore from Kilkenny, followed by Michael Clarke’s, Ballyhine Flock three ewe lambs selling at €1,100.00gns; (Female Reserve Champion) €650.00gns and €500.00gns respectively. Greg Rossiter from the Bannow flock in Co. Wexford sold a ewe lamb for €1,100.00gns; Matt Pearse of the Priorview Flock from Co. Clare sold his five ewe lambs; two at €850.00gns; one at €600.00 and two at €500.00. TJ Broderick of the Hymanny Flock from Galway sold one ewe lamb at €650.00gns. James Rooney of the Benwiskin flock from Co. Sligo also sold a ewe lamb for €650.00gns. Michael Murphy of the Moneen Flock, Galway sold his ewe lamb for €550.00gns. 28 Ewe Lambs were offered for sale; 26 were sold. The Reserve Female Champion of the Show and First Prize winner in the Ewe Lamb Class was a Ewe Lamb from the Ballyhine Flock owned by Michael Clarke from Wexford; this Five Star Ewe Lamb sold for €1,100.00gns. The highest price of the day went to Wexford Breeder John Martin, Duncormick flock, his early January born Five Star ram lamb secured First Place in the Recorded Class and sold for €1,600.00gns. Richard Moore, Columbkille Flock from Co. Kilkenny sold his First Prize Winner Hogget Ram for €800.00gns and he also sold a second Hogget Ram for €800.00 gns.
We were honored to have Cairns Witherow from Donegal, as our judge; a judge with a vast experience and knowledge of Suffolks; Cairns set up the very successful Ardvarnock Flock in 1978, taking over 40 years of Suffolk experience to the judging ring. Cairns was presented with some very big classes with over 20 ewe lambs lining out in the Ewe Lamb Class and 18 in the ram lamb class. The West was very much awake at end of the judging when Mark Grealy from Oranmore Flock was presented with the John Joe Mitchell Memorial Cup for his Supreme Champion of the Show; this success was followed by Patrick Lynch from the Monadarragh flock sporting the Reserve Champion Green White and Gold Rosette. Both Mark and Patrick are members of the original West of Ireland Purebred Registered Suffolk Sheep Breeders Club. The club is celebrating its 51st Show and Sale at Roscommon Mart next Saturday 13th August. In all, the members of the West of Ireland Purebred Registered Suffolk Breeders Club brought home 26 Rosettes across the Shannon on Saturday evening.
As always, The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society acknowledge with gratitude our sponsors; sponsorship is a very important ingredient in our success. Thank you to AW ENNIS for the Rosettes and to FBD for sponsoring our advertising. Further sponsorship from Agri-Lloyd, Connolly Red Mills, Cormack Tagging, IFA, John Grennan & Sons, MSD Animal Health, Merial, SJCU and Uniblock is gratefully appreciated. To our auctioneer George Candler, as always adds that extra touch of class and good humour to the sale; to Michael Harty, General Manager Central Auctions, Noel O’Grady Yard Manager and all staff in Roscrea Mart a very sincere thank you and we look forward to returning there again in 2023 on the same day for the same event.
Whether the commercial farmer is operating a fat lamb enterprise, a store lamb enterprise or looking to breed flock replacements the only one question to ask him/her is which type Suffolk ram they are going to buy. The answer is a fully Registered Purebred Suffolk Ram presented in its natural state from the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society.
Prize winners
Supreme Champion: Mark Grealy
Reserve Champion: Patrick Lynch
Male Champion: Patrick Lynch
Reserve Male Champion: Patrick Lynch
Female Champion: Mark Grealy
Reserve Female Champion: Michael Clarke
Ewe lamb class
1st Michael Clarke
2nd Denis Lynch & Sons
3rd Greg Rossiter
4th Sandra Kane/Noel Purcell
5th Matt Pearse
6th Michael Murphy
Shearling Ewe Class
1st Mark Grealy
2nd Mark Grealy
3rd Mark Grealy
4th Zachery & Bernadette Silk
5th Michael Clarke
6th Trevor Cowman
Shearling Ram Class
1st Richard Moore
2nd Greg Rossiter
3rd John Martin
4th Richard Moore
5th Willie Gleeson
6th Willie Gleeson
Sheep Ireland Recorded Class
1st John Martin
2nd Matt Pearse
3rd Patrick Purcell
4th Richard Moore
5th Greg Rossiter
6th TJ Broderick
Open Ram Lamb Class
1st Patrick Lynch
2nd Denis Lynch & Sons
3rd SandraKane/Noel Purcell
4th Richard Moore
5th Michael Murphy
6th TJ Broderick
Pair of Ram Lambs
1st Patrick Lynch
2nd Greg Rossiter
3rd James Rooney
4th Matt Pearse
5th John Martin
6th Richard Moore
The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society congratulates all the prize winners.