As we moved into a new decade no one could have envisaged what the year would present to us. However, with true resilience we ploughed on and had a very successful year. This could only be achieved by co-operation, which we had in abundance within our committee and members. Despite not being able to hold physical meetings to prepare for our Premier Show and Sale, our chairman Richard Moore, who always manages to camouflage his extraordinary ability with his incredible modesty, ensured that this event ran as smoothly and as successfully as it did in the previous year. The demand for our Suffolk rams, presented in their natural state, appealed to commercial customers from near and far. Many repeat customers showed up on the day eager to buy and to reiterate how pleased they were with their previous year’s purchases. This in itself was the seal of approval that the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society was successful in all that it represents. “Suffolks bred by Irish Farmers for Irish Farmers”. Every purchaser was assured of the breeding of his sheep as each animal carries its own EU approved Zootechnical Certificate produced from our own Irish based data base held by Sheep Ireland.
The Irish Suffolk Sheep Society will work diligently to continue to raise the profile of Suffolk Sheep at local, regional and national level. A busy schedule of events were planned by our Branch for 2020 to endorse the Suffolk breed but unfortunately the Covid pandemic took over and we had to settle for just our Premier Show and Sale at Roscrea Mart on Saturday 1st August 2020. Having worked, on behalf of the Suffolk breed with the staff of Roscrea Mart for the past 17 years, Ray Dempsey Chairman, Michael Harty Manager and their staff, I can only once again praise them for their co-operation, friendliness and support which always ensures a very successful outcome. As we all know if the product is right and the venue is right, everything else will fall into place.
Sponsorship is the key ingredient to the successful running of our events and to that end, on behalf of the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society I wish to record my thanks to all our sponsors throughout the past year.
Our membership is growing very steadily and with some of the older flocks and most experienced breeders in the country in our membership we have a wealth of experience, expertise and knowledge that cannot be surpassed. Marketing Suffolk Sheep is like any other business, we have a product to sell and we have competition, in order to garner the lion’s share of the market, we have to advertise, we have to promote ourselves, we have to continue to create an image.
We now live in a technological age, which is great, especially when we, sheep breeders and farmers alike have had to rely on it so much in 2020, for many events during the year when we saw our marts closed to the public. In addition it is a much more speedy and reliable way of communication which we all have adapted to very well.
Our Facebook page and website: http://irishsuffolksheepcompany.com is easily accessed and keeps both the pedigree breeders and commercial breeders informed of our progress. Membership is reasonable; application is simple, with no hidden costs. Application forms are available on line or directly from me, the Secretary, Anne Mitchell 086 2428554 or annemitchellcross@gmail.com
To my fellow/sister Officers, Richard Moore Chairman, words fall short if I am to praise you for everything you have done for this Society. It was your brain child and with the support of likeminded, far seeing breeders you have turned it into a very successful Society. Thank you Richard for inspiring us. Stephen Govin Vice-Chairman, your dedication is imperative for the growth of our Society; thank you Stephen for your efforts and for sharing your knowledge. Ursula Rooney Registrar, through your hard work you provide a service which exceeds all expectations. Despite many obstacles put in your way, you never fail to have Zootechnical Certificates produced for every animal in the Society. A huge task to take on board and with the co-operation of Sheep Ireland personnel and their excellent database, every member is assured of accuracy and efficiency. Thank you Ursula – keep up the good work!
Michael Clarke Treasurer, thank you for your diligence in the setting up of our Banking System and tax affairs with precision and skill. These are the qualities that contribute to success and success is our story.
To our committee; every idea shared openly, and every opportunity seized by you helped us achieve the heights we have reached. A supportive Committee is what every Society needs and we, the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society, are proud to boast of having this. Sincere gratitude is owed to you. Notwithstanding the fact that our Committee have a combined experience of over 550 years of breeding and marketing Suffolks leaves the Irish Suffolk Sheep Society in a very strong position in securing market share; something that the Suffolk breed has lost in recent years.
For my own part it was such a pleasure to have worked with you and for you again in 2020.
The roots of all appreciation lie in the soil of appreciation.
Hon Secretary
086 2428554